

本文通过考察诱导性语料和自然产出语料验证得出结论,中国西班牙语专业本科学生西班牙语关系从句习得模式与名词短语可及性等级(NPAH)理论假设基本一致; 可及性高的关系从句使用频繁,正确率高; 而可及性低的关系从句使用相对较少,且容易出错; 间接宾语(IO)关系从句与等级序列不一致,其原因可能在于学生输入刺激贫乏或者采取规避策略。据此,论文提出关于西班牙语关系从句的教学建议,强调应该更加注重关系代词的学习和使用。


(Abstract translation)

Testing the Noun Phrase Accessibility Hierarchy on Spanish Relative Clauses: An Empirical Study

In this article, by examining elicitaion and corpus data we conclude that the acquisition order of different Spanish relative clauses by Chinese undergraduate students generally conforms to noun phrase accessibility hierarchy (NPAH). While the relativization in high positions of the hierarchy is frequent and has high accuracy, the relativization in low positions is less frequent and more prone to errors. However, we found that the relativization in indirect object (IO) position did not match the said hierarchy, probably due to the less input received and avoidance strategy on the part of Chinese students. The article ends by proposing that more attention should be paid to the learning and use of Spanish relative pronouns.
